Friday, May 29, 2009

Tagged by 6 person.

1. Besides your lips , where is the favourite spot to get kissed?

2. How did you feel when you woke up this MORNING?
lazy.need to do the house chores AGAIN!!!

3. Who was the last person/people you took a photo WITH?
can't remember.=D

4. Would you consider yourself SPOILED?
maybe 50%.

5. Will you ever donate BLOOD?
nope.cause you will easily get fat after donating.

6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite SEX?

7. Do you want someone to be DEAD?
of course NO.

8. What does your last text message SAY?
"ming" to:sheau hui.

9. What are you thinking about right NOW?

10. Do you want someone to be with you right NOW?
yea.KIM BUM!!haha.

11. What was the time you went to bed last night?
about 10 something.i think.i just got slept while watching tv at the AV room.=D

12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?

13. Is someone on your mind right NOW?

14. Who was the last person who text YOU?
sheau hui.

TEN Lucky People to do this quiz.
2.)sheau hui
3.)jia shing
4.)chee leng
5.)fei san
6.)yen pou
7.)gaik lee
9.)yee fang
10.)shin yee

15.Who is no.2 having a relationship WITH?
everyone knew need me to say.

16. Is no.3 a male or a FEMALE?
female.of course.

17. If no.7 and no.1 get TOGETHER , would it be a good?
haha.yea.OMG!!!i can't believe that they're.......

18. What is no.1 studying?.
maybe about archie.

19. When was the last time you chatted with THEM?

20. IS no.4 SINGLE?
no.she is YU MING wan.=P.just kidding.actually yesh.

21. Say something about no.2.
she always ask CHOCOLATES from me.=D

22. What do you think about no.3 & no.6 being TOGETHER?
they're already together.

23. Describe no.9.
she loves anime so muchie.

24 . What will you do if no.6 and no.7 FIGHT?
just sit and watch.=P

25 . Do you like no.8?


1 comment:

  1. now only realise u tagged me..
    i so out-dated!!!
    hahaha. but i did the tag already..Tagged by May :)
    oooh u same as me..choose forehead hahahahhaha..
    i dint know u love me so much...
    i mean know me so well..xD
    hahha.i treat u so bad .. T^T so touched.
    haha! :) U wan go out with me?? -winks-

    -Fang♠ I Love SPADE!! :3
    btw, don't keep remind me of that fella.. LOL
